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Evolution Gaming Annual General Meeting, Share Dividend and Balance Sheet


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Evolution Gaming held the AGM (annual general meeting) earlier this month. The meeting reflects Evolution's performance for 2021 and it is fair to say it was a very good year for them. Shareholders enjoyed a dividend payout for each share they own of almost 1.50 per share. This clearly shows that 2021 was a profitable year and in one of my last Evolution posts shows why they bought back a shed load of there own shares.

With the upcoming release of Evolution's "great 88" later on in 2022 we are almost certain to see a further rise in share price and this time next year probably even a bigger share dividend payed back to investors. So if any of you that read this are looking for a sure return on a 1 year investment, buy some Evolution stock before the release of the "great 88".

The Great 88 is the group of new games coming from Evo this year and in my opinion it is guaranteed to cement their place as kings of online gaming. The new games will secure top provider for table games and the new slots will snatch an even larger share of the slot market. This really is a good year on year investment and I can see no way that they will under perform and loose money.

See below for the press statement for Evolution's AGM.


Press release 2022-04-08
Resolutions at the annual general meeting in Evolution AB (publ)
At the annual general meeting in Evolution AB (publ) on 8 April 2022, income statements
and balance sheets for 2021 for the company and the group were adopted and it was
resolved on, among other things, a dividend of EUR 1.42 per share, discharge from liability
for the board members and the managing director, re-election of the board members and the
chairman of the board, amendment to the articles of association, authorisation for
acquisition and transfer of own shares, authorisation for the board of directors to issue
shares, warrants and convertible debt as well as authorisation for the board of directors to
re-purchase warrants.

Adoption of income statement and balance sheet as well as consolidated income statement
and consolidated balance sheet
The annual general meeting adopted the income statement and the consolidated income statement as
well as the balance sheet and the consolidated balance sheet for the financial year 2021.

Resolution on dividends
The annual general meeting resolved on a dividend of EUR 1.42 per share and that Tuesday 12 April
2022 shall be the record date for the dividend. P
ayment of the dividend is expected to be made on
Thursday 21 April 2022 through Euroclear Sweden AB.

Resolution on discharge from liability, re-election of board members and board fees
The annual general meeting resolved on discharge from liability for the members of the board of
directors and the managing director for the financial year 2021.

The annual general meeting resolved that the board of directors shall consist of seven board members
and no deputies. Jens von Bahr, Joel Citron, Mimi Drake, Jonas Engwall, Ian Livingstone, Sandra Urie
and Fredrik Österberg were re-elected as board members and Jens von Bahr was re-elected as
chairman of the board for the period until the close of the annual general meeting 2023.

The annual general meeting resolved that the total fees to the board for the period until the next
annual general meeting shall be EUR 1,000,000, of which EUR 100,000 shall be paid to each of the
board members elected by the annual general meeting and EUR 400,000 shall be paid to the
chairman of the board of directors.

Election of auditor and determination of fees to the auditor
The annual general meeting resolved to re-elect Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor for
the period until the close of the annual general meeting 2023 and that fees to the auditor shall be paid
against approved invoice.

Instruction to the nomination committee
The annual general meeting resolved that the principles setting out how members of the nomination
committee are appointed that were adopted at the annual general meetings 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
and 2021 shall continue to be applied as the instruction to nomination committee indefinitely. Pursuant
to the instruction, the nomination committee shall consist of three members that shall be appointed by
the three largest shareholders in terms of votes on the last business day in August together with a
board member who is independent of the company and its senior management.

The remuneration report
The annual general meeting approved the board of directors’ remuneration report for 2021 which
provides an outline of how the guidelines for remuneration to the senior management (the
Guidelines”) have been implemented in 2021. The Report also provides information on the
remuneration of the company’s CEO and a summary of the company’s outstanding incentive
programmes. There have been no deviations from the procedure for the implementation of the
Guidelines and no derogations from the application of the Guidelines in 2021. The Remuneration
Report is available at the company’s website, www.evolution.com. (SOURCE)

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