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the Degenerate Gamblers club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. na bro u win ! you were the only one on kansas @Arou
  3. I really feel sorry for those guys who did not believe in the victory of Kansas, because after the last Super Bowl they played pretty well and did not lose their shape.
  4. @steveoI almost got my prize, right? Or did I have to guess the exact score for this, digit by digit?
  5. Uhuuuuu, thnks man i knew it
  6. @Arou congrads g! you won! Kansas wins the superbowl!
  7. @PupperChan @ArvindDass @Rok223432 @Joshthomas if your guys are around could u please drop a final score as there are multiple people on your game or u can change but u only got 9 more hours till comp starts, if not it will be a tie
  8. My team is Kansas or I can choose any other bro.
  9. oh i put alphagambler down as rok lol and ill add
  10. Alpha sir is also missing 😄
  11. crazy time ayer is missing.!!
  12. also if i missed u just put in a guess ill add ya
  13. ok so here's the scoop , im adding people that are active to the comp due to it starting tommorow not everyone around . IF YOUR TEAM HAS MORE THEN JUST U ON IT U NEED TO PICK A FINAL SCORE OR IT WILL BE TIE! gl all and if u want to change your team you got 24 hours from now !
  14. San Franscisco Win 12-5
  15. @Sumit post your pick here bro
  16. Kansas city will win 38-43
  17. San Francisco 49ers will win 29-17 👍🏆
  18. all u need to do is pick a team thats on the bracket and a final score just guess

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