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Mega Ball- Stake Chase Strategy.


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I am sure most of you are aware of or have play Mega Ball by Evolution and I think you have tried some different strategies of your own. Mega Ball is a game of pure luck, you buy cards and hope to match the balls that are drawn to the numbers on your cards and it is vital that you hit the Mega ball with the multiplier to get good wins. So can you really apply strategy to a game that is almost all luck?

Well I think you can and like a lot of other forms of gambling bankroll management is key- I mean you can go in big, with high bets and lots of cards and hope you get lucky and this is one way that you can win big. But from my experience it is much more profitable to play for a longer period of time with less cards. If you can in big and hit a streak of 5x's and get bad cards or miss the mega ball, then you can be broke in a few rounds. A streak of low multipliers is much more likely to happen than a streak of big multi's, 100x comes out on average every 200 rounds, 50x every 100 rounds.

Mega Ball Stake Chase Strategy:

This is a strategy that I use and I have had very good results with, it requires a lot of discipline and strong will to avoid tilting. It is very simple but effective but like I said you need a lot of self control. You can change this strategy according to your bankroll and people with bigger bank rolls can start off this strategy on a higher stake if you wish. I always start on 10 cent cards because it fits in with my budget. The first step is to buy an amount of cards that is between 30-60, again the amount you buy is decided by how much money you have to play with. Once you have chosen the amount of cards between 30-60 stick auto play on and sit back.

Mega Ball banner

Very easy so far and I hope you have followed, the next step of the stake chase strat depends on the outcome of the game round. Say you have bought 30 cards for 3 euros, the Mega Ball is drawn and you win 9 Euros, for the next round you keep to the 30 cards but you raise the stake to 20 cent cards. If you make a loss and win less than 6 Euros go back down to the 10 cent card level.

If you win more than 15 Euros from the 30 cards at 20 cent, then you move up to the 50 cent level and stick to the 30 cards! On the 50c level you have to win more than 30 Euros and you can move up to the 1 euro card level and so on chasing the the stake level higher and higher.

The initial bet and hit to your balance is always the first bet that you made and all bets after where you have raised the stake will played from your profit. If you get a streak of good cards, good multipliers and hit the Mega Ball, you can win really big and really fast from playing this strategy and all from you initial bet at the 10 cent level. The best I have done using this strategy is all the way from 10 cent cards, until I finally made a loss on the 10 Euro cards, although overall during this streak I made a profit of a few thousand Euro's.

This strategy really does work but of course anything it is highly reliant on getting lucky, you have to be really disciplined and avoid tilting and never give up! I have made comebacks on this game being right down to my last few cents, trying to tune in and wish your balls in sometimes works but I don't think I can prove this scientifically 😄 Good Luck!

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