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Registration Terms

Terms of Use

Note that all content posted on this website is an explicit expression of the users' views. As such, the service providers responsible for supplying this website will not be held accountable for any content generated by the users.

You will not be eligible to access this service if you have not attained the age set by the authorities in your region. In most cases, this is the age of 18 years. By signing up for an account, you confirm that you are of legal age.

The service reserves the right to review and verify all the content made available by the user. So, you might want to be extra careful not to share material that you consider private and confidential. The review and verification exercise is carried out by both in-house and third-party agencies with the aim of ruling out malice from users.

You are expected to use the service in the most responsible way possible. In this regard, you should see to it that the service is not used to facilitate the transfer, sharing, or distribution of content that is considered to be obscene in the eyes of the moral cops and the law. In case the content shared through your interactions with the service causes any harm or results in the breaking of the laws of the land, then you will take responsibility. 

We reserve the right to perform adjustments or get rid of the content that you submit. This means that you will not be consulted in case we feel that your content requires modifications. In the same manner, termination of your access to the service will not require a cause or notice. 

By uploading content to the service, you are permanently licensing us to use it unconditionally. This means that we can put it into any use we deem fit or beneficial to the service and the license is irrevocable. However, you still keep the rights of ownership to the content. 

Please note that the terms of use are bound to change from time to time without necessarily notifying users. 

Registration serves as a confirmation of the terms of use. But, in case you do not accept the terms after registration, you can contact us to facilitate the closure of your account. 

Casino Corner

Chatroom Rules

Room for discussing casino and card game betting.

  • No spamming or flooding the chat
  • No offensive language or bad behavior
  • No sharing of illegal or pirated content
  • No sharing of personal information
  • No sharing of insider information or illegal betting strategies


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