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Gambling Awareness


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I was looking through https://www.begambleaware.org/  and came across one of their main posts, on the front page of the Begambleaware website and it was outlining when gambling becomes a problem and it got me thinking. The post said "losing track of the world around you when you gamble? When playing online gambling games, it is easy to lose track of time and money and get lost in the game"


Now this may only be my feeling and I would love some community input on this post but when I gamble I want to lose track of the world around me and I don't care about time, the way I have my deposit limits set is that when I have spent my budget for for the month it is gone and that is it. So the money is not an issue, so my thoughts are what a stupid article to have on the Begambleaware website! I am pretty sure a big part of why people gamble is to escape the outside world and shut themselves off, I have written posts before about gambling being a form of escapism and why is this? Well the world is a pretty shitty place at the moment for most people and shutting themself off from it is not a cure and neither will it solve anything. But for fucks sake don't make an issue of a good reason to gamble, why not focus more on helping people manage their money better, so they don't get themselves into debt and have life issues- People can gamble responsibly, it would be much wiser advice to show them how to budget and help them stick to limits rather than make an issue out of a valid reason to gamble.

Maybe I am missing the point of the post on Begambleaware but from reading the headline it seems like they are focusing on gambling being an addiction and like all addictions it is just another form of escapism- So maybe try and fix the world Begambleaware and that may stop people from gambling. Please let me know your thoughts.

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